Monday, June 27, 2005

Solum's Legal Theory Lexicon

A couple of weeks ago, I discovered Lawrence Solum's Legal Theory Blog. Skimming it, I took its entries to be mostly timely pointers to new scholarship being published, usually with an abstract tacked on. However, I discovered tonight that he does a weekly entry in his Legal Theory Lexicon, which is "aimed at law students—especially first year law students—with an interest in legal theory." Hmm, haven't met anyone who fits that description, but if I do I'll be sure to pass the link on.

This week's topic is libertarian theories of law. In past weeks he's covered indeterminacy, the Coase Theorem, deontology, utilitarianism, and the counter-majoritarian difficulty, to name a few. I'll be working my way through all forty-eight as time permits.


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