Monday, May 30, 2005


Actually, it's fairly easy to change the URL with blogger, as I recall.

As to titles, I suggest: Deconstruct This, Bitches.

Maybe: Delusions of Candor.

I don't know what that means--I'm pretty sure it means nothing (it's like sound and fury and Hemingway)--but goddamn, it's catchy.

Hi, I'm Scott Scheule. You may remember me from such blogs as What Carrot-Top Did Yesterday, Shaq-Fu: The Lifestyle, and Postings for Algernon. I first came to prominence in the blogosphere after my award-winning expose on the fightin' drunken bums outside my window, whom I have named Nathaniel and Cassie Anne Henderson.

As the resident conservative/libertarian/anarcho-capitalist, my niche here will likely be criticizing the rest of the posters when they start to sound too much like Stalin. Indeed, I'm bound to be the one recalcitrant individual who insists pigheadely that words have meanings and this blog as well as the rest of the physical world actually exists.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Contest: Reify This Blog

I guess this is as good a time as any to solicit alternative names for the blog. We're kinda stuck with the url (, but "Postmodern Law" is ripe for ouster.

Drop your suggestions in the comments; the winner gets to indoctrinate a section of Legal Justice in the fall.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Great Idea

As always Swanno, great idea. This is also a good extension to the in-person discussion groups. I was pleased to see the invite and hopefully we can use this as a platform for getting ideas out into the ether as well as emploring some important concepts in a more tangible and thought-out manner.

"Law at the end of the twentieth century is a practice based on legal-philosophical concepts such as the representational theory of truth, neutrality, universality, and legitimacy. The content of such concepts responds to the tradition of the western cultural paradigm. We share the experience of fragmentation in this cultural unanimity: we live in a world of heterogeneousness and multiplicity that upholds the claims of different concepts of the world and of life shared by dwellers in microspaces. The theory of law should be adapted to take this experience into account. We propose a change in direction oriented toward the creation of operational legal concepts: creative justice, perspectivist rationality, a systemic theory of truth and a judicial process that guarantees the multicultural experience. Postmodernity affirms the urgent need for a new form of legal reasoning."
-- Ana Julia Bozo de Carmona

I'm psyched. Let's go!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Post the First

Welcome to Postmodern Law. For now, this is an unambitious attempt to keep in touch with my colleagues over the summer.

With any luck, it will soon be populated by a brilliant group of iconoclastic law students yearning to debate the pervasiveness of indeterminacy and the role of ad hoc paternalism in adjudication.

But for now, I'm keeping it real.